
Change in Plans

It has taken some time for me to make sense of what has happened. When I moved to the United States I was scouted during my first cyclo-cross race in America. The coach said that he was a licensed level II USA Cycling coach. He said that he was also the national U-23 track cycling coach and he had the authority to choose two U-23 riders to represent the USA in the European 6-days series.

He said that he liked my technique and he was impressed with my race results in Europe. He also spoke to various contacts in Europe who gave me great references. He promised that if I worked hard and did everything he said I would be able to represent the United States in the 2012 European 6-days events.

Even though road is my passion I also like the track and this appeared to be a great opportunity for me to get into the USA racing circuit. Since my mother is American I also have American citizenship and thought it would be so cool to wear the stars & stripes jersey in Europe.

Then after working the whole year and doing everything I was told and exceeding everyone's expectations, I was told that in the whole United States they couldn’t find another U-23 rider to team up with me for the European 6-days. Then I found out that the American coaches missed the registration deadline with the UIV. Then I find out that my Cycle Loft track coach didn't really have a USA Cycling coaches license like he promised me and my parents and he didn't really have the authority to choose anyone to represent The United States. I was duped and I was so bummed.

I was kind of lost for a while because Cycle Loft broke a lot of promises about getting me established on the road. They wouldn't even let me race once on the road because they didn't want me to risk my position on the track. The whole thing didn't make any sense. I enjoy racing track, but I live for the road. I felt like I wasted a year in the USA and I didn't know what to do.

Then my parents said that I really needed to go to college. I found a great collegiate coach and I can't wait to race road again.  I have a nice scholarship for my SAT’s scores and an athletic scholarship for my cycling. So I guess I am on my way to university after all.


Fun Newspaper article about us

The Tveter family of Derrry is a champion cycling unit with five children participating in high level biking action on the New England, national and international circuit. From left are Madeleine, 10; Nicholas, 14; Christopher, 19; Elizabeth, 15, and Alexander, 11.
Sibling cyclists hit the track
By Julie Hussjhuss@derrynews.comDerry News
DERRY — Five Derry siblings are riding the road to success perched on the seat of a bicycle.
The Tveter family — Christopher, Elizabeth, Nicholas, Alexander and Madeleine — all love to ride and are winning big awards for their cycling talents.

Ranging in age from 10 to 19, they are all strong competitors, something instilled in them from their earliest years growing up in Holland. There, children typically get their first two-wheel bicycle by the time they are 2 years old.

Holly Tveter moved her children back to the United States after living in Holland for 18 years to offer them more cycling opportunities.

“Our children loved cycling at a very young age and entered the local bike races at holiday festivals,” she said. “Being that both parents are cyclists, all our children had their own bikes and even took two cars on vacation just to make sure the bikes could join us.”

The siblings compete and train regularly at the Northeast Velodrome and Cycling Park in Londonderry.

Eldest son Christopher has raced against Olympians and is internationally ranked.

The remaining four are involved in their own competition level races on the regional and national level through U.S. Cycling-sanctioned events.

Tveter grew up in Derry and said the move back was challenging.

“Packing the shipping container was also a challenge,” she said. “There wasn’t room for any furniture, just boxes of clothes and memories — and 24 bicycles.”

A bit of culture shock was part of the mix.

Most of the children are still learning to speak English; all are attending school in Derry. Christopher graduated from Pinkerton Academy earlier this year.

To help them feel at home, Tveter attached two pair of Dutch wooden shoes to the family’s small house on Beaver Lake. A goose roams the back yard. Tveter said in Holland they raised ducks.

Christopher is making a big mark on the international cycling scene and will represent the United States in European competition.

CARL RUSSO/Staff photos The Tveter siblings train together on a regular basis at the Northeast Velodrome in Londonderry. The children recently relocated to Derry from Holland and are immersed in the cycling world, each winning awards and titles in their respective age groups and levels.
“It’s very relaxing,” he said. “It’s an adrenaline rush and you get to go very fast. It’s also a feeling of performing well in a race.”

The sport can be dangerous, something no mother likes to think about. Bikes can reach speeds of 45 mph in a typical race.

“I have witnessed crashes involving every one of my children,” Tveter said. “Their Dutch coach said that if a cyclist doesn’t have a broken bone by the time they are 18, then they aren’t trying hard enough.”

Tveter said her children have suffered broken limbs and collarbones, shoulder injuries and fractured ribs.

It’s also an expensive sport. Tveter said it’s difficult to finance the vast number of bikes needed for each child. Add in traveling, food costs, and getting school work done and it can be tough.

“It is difficult navigating the young cycling careers of five children,” she said. “I am worried about how I am going to afford new bikes. The kids’ bicycles cost more than my car.”

Along with cycling, the children are involved in other school sports and activities, including field hockey, soccer and even a chess club.

CARL RUSSO/Staff photo Derry native Holly Tveter recently brought her five children back to Derry after living for 18 years in Holland. She said her brood is on track to take the cycling world by storm and are also working hard off the track to learn English and excel in school. Sept. 4, 2012.

 Alexander, 11, dreams of someday riding in the Tour de France with his brothers. At 14, Nicholas is a freshman at Pinkerton and once rode across the Netherlands to raise money for charity.

The girls have their own aspirations on the track. Madeleine, 10, is the baby of the family. After suffering injuries in a race, she climbed back on the bike to win a New England championship.

Elizabeth, 15, holds a New England title and was the last sibling to get involved in the sport. She plays on the field hockey team at Pinkerton.

The children are adjusting well, making friends, and finding their place at home and on the cycling track.

“They’re good kids, they stay out of trouble,” Tveter said. “It’s a family thing and I’m so lucky.”

She said Christopher sums it up when it comes to riding a bike.

“(His slogan is) ‘cycling ... it’s not just about winning, it’s a lifestyle choice,’” she said. “As long as the children want to ride I will do everything to make it possible.”,

On my way back to Europe!

It has been a difficult year. I was at the top of my cycling career in The Netherlands when my family moved to the United States. I had to start all over again at the lowest level (5) and work my way back up for the right to even compete at the elite level again. Now I won the U23 national series in track cycling and will be representing the United States in Europe for the international 6 days events. This is going to be awesome! I can't wait to see my father and my friends.

The 5th Tveter New England Champion!

Since my 4 little brothers and sisters won the New England Championships there was a little bit of pressure that I must succeed as well. I did it! It was an awesome weekend!

1st Place - New England Elite Track Cycling Championship!


4 Tveter's 1st place at New England Jr. Track Cycling Championships

My brothers and sisters ALL came in first at the
New England Junior Track Cycling Championships 2012.
(Looks like there is some pressure now on their big brother
to try to score the title in two weeks at the New England Elite Championships.)


Lands Hill Madison Bowl 2012

Christopher Tveter (Cycle Loft) & Merril Lutsky (Harvard Cycling)
win the Lands Hill Madison Bowl 2012


Little Tveter makes podium at 2012 USA Nationals!

My little brother Alexander came in 3rd at the USA National Championships. One step closer to the Tveter boys taking on the Tour de France!

Three medals! Way to go Lil' Bro!

I guess I will have to make my little brothers and sisters their own blog:

Fire Cracker 100

It was an Awesome day!

Happy Birthday Mom!


My First Pro Race in America!

I can’t believe I raced against Dutch Pro Leon Van Bon in the USA today! It was awesome! Even though I blew a tire in the middle of the Madison, Conor & I came in 7th. We were the first U23 (under 23 years old) team to finish so that means we earned points to qualify for the 2013 six-days in Europe. I like America, but I am kind of homesick. It would be awesome if I could go back to race in The Netherlands again.

Results: 2012 Mike Walter Pro Men 100 Lap Madison
1. Bobby Lea & Jackie Simes
2. Barry Miller & Patrick Kos
3. Cameron Karwowski & Peter Builing
4. Leon Van Bon & Andreas Muller
5. Kyle Wamsley & Shane Kline
6. Zachary Kovalcik & Mike Rothengatter
7. Conor Walsh & Chris Tveter

Racing Track in the USA!

The Wall

The Kop Group

Positioning for the final sprint

I just made it and beat the New England Champion!


I Graduated from High School - AGAIN!

Even though I already graduated from high school in The Netherlands I was missing a few classes to qualify for American universities; English Lit, USA Government, American History, Freshman Health, etc... so I went back to high school. It was a lot of fun, but now I am glad to be able to concentrate on my cycling.

My New Team Mates

Alex & Conor


So It Begins!


I found a team!

Or should I say "They Found Me!"


I have to admit that I was kind of nervous about starting over in the USA. How was I going to find a new team and a coach who could compare to the greatest coach ever that I had in The Netherlands? Then at a field cross race last fall a USA track coach approached us and wanted to talk. At first I was disappointed because road racing is my passion but I also love the track and decided to go for it. Now I couldn't be happier! My new coach Kurt Begemann is awesome!


Frist Again.... really!

First Place but the Jury made us keep both hands on the stuur crossing the finish line

We are coming to the end of the road racing season 2011. Most of my competitors are exhausted but I am a bear! My trainers and coach timed it perfectly! Our goal was to have me in top form for the European Tour. I feel better than ever! Today I was in a kop group from 3 men and we doubled the peleton and tripled another group as well. The jury pulled almost everyone out of the race for the last round so we could have a safe end sprint. It was awesome! Final sprints are becoming my specialty! I just love the sport!
Oh yeah... I won 250 euros today! - It was a great day!  


The Tveter'tjes

One White Jersey for my Coach!

And one White Jersey for my Mom!

Me, my brothers and my sisters at the European Youth Cycling Tournament 2011

It was so cool having my little brothers and sisters (and my mom) cheering me on in every single race! Everyone at the Tournament kept saying that someday they hope to see the Tveter Boys riding the
Tour de France together! That would be Awesome!

Thanks Coach and Trainers and Mom!


I can't believe that I made my coach cry (by winning the last stage race at the European Youth Cycling Tournament.) I want to thank my coach ARIE and head trainer MARK for all their hard work and unconditional support! They believed in me even when I doubted myself. I couldn't have made it this far without them! THANK YOU!!!

My Mom!

This is my favorite picture of me and my mom!


The most important person I would like to thank is my Mom! She's always there for me and I admire how much she does for us all by herself.

The 2011 European Youth Cycling Tournament Final Classifications

Second Place for White Jersey

Third Place for Yellow Jersey

Second Place for Green Jersey

The only racer to make it to the podium in every category!